Thursday, January 12, 2012

Information and Communication Technology - an invitation to participate

We live in exponential times, when I worked in an early childhood setting digital technology was a relatively new thing and we had computers and cameras, as well as a fax machine, laminator and cordless phone! Now there is a plethora of digital devices, both desktop and handheld and I am really interested to know what has changed in the last few years as far as using Information Communication Technology (ICT) goes,within Early Childhood settings. To this end, over the first half of 2012 I am undertaking a small research project investigating how teams are currently using ICT in Early Childhood. In late August I will be presenting this research at a conference and it will also form the basis for my lecture later in 2012.

In particular I would like to find out:
What digital devices (Computers, Cameras, tablets, MP3 players etc) you have in your centre and how you are using these.
What programmes do you find most useful and what are you using them for?
Do you blog or are you part of any online community? Do you use Wiki’s or Google Documents?
What has helped or hindered your use of ICT?
How are children using the ICT you have within your setting?
Has ICT made a difference for children's learning? If so how?
Do Parents and Whanau have access to ICT within your setting?
Do you have iPads, iPods or other handheld devices that children are able to use and if so what are they using them for?
I am keen to support  Centres that currently have an iPad but maybe not using it to its full potential, so let me know if you are interested in this.

If you could answer the above questions and anything else you would like to add,  email me at
This is a great opportunity to showcase some of the fabulous work happening in your centre and I look forward to reading your responses.
Ka Kite
A small selection of ICT in my house!

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